Custom Containment

Plastic Fusion is the leading installer of custom containment solutions designed to drain rainwater and provide spill containment. 


Custom Containment

Custom containments offer tailored solutions for diverse industrial and environmental needs, providing specialized containment systems designed to meet specific requirements. These containment solutions, ranging from secondary containment for hazardous materials to containment liners for agricultural applications, are crafted to address unique challenges effectively. With customizable features and materials such as geomembranes or reinforced polyethylene, custom containments ensure reliable protection against leaks, spills, and environmental contamination. 

Custom Containment
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What is Custom Containment?

Custom containment refers to designing and installing specialized containment systems tailored to meet the specific needs of a site or application. These solutions are designed to manage hazardous materials, prevent contamination, and ensure safety and environmental protection. Custom containment systems can include liners, covers, berms, and other barriers specifically engineered for optimal performance in various industrial settings.

Why is Custom Containment Important?

Custom containment is crucial for several reasons:
  • Safety: It ensures the safe storage and handling of hazardous materials, protecting workers and the environment.
  • Compliance: Custom solutions help businesses meet regulatory requirements, avoiding fines and legal issues.
  • Efficiency: Tailored systems maximize operational efficiency by addressing specific site challenges and requirements.
  • Environmental Protection: Custom containment prevents contaminants from leaching into soil and water, safeguarding natural resources.

What Types of Materials are Used in Custom Containment?

Custom containment systems use various materials based on the application’s specific needs. Common materials include:
  • High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE): Known for its durability and chemical resistance.
  • Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): Offers flexibility and ease of installation.
  • Geotextiles: Used for additional filtration and stabilization.
  • Composite Liners: Combine multiple materials to enhance performance.

How Does Plastic Fusion Design Custom Containment Solutions?

Plastic Fusion follows a comprehensive process to design custom containment solutions:
  1. Site Assessment: Evaluating the site to understand the specific requirements and challenges.
  2. Design Development: Creating a tailored design that addresses the site’s unique needs.
  3. Material Selection: Choosing the best materials for the application to ensure durability and effectiveness.
  4. Installation: Implementing the design with precision to ensure optimal performance.
  5. Quality Control: Conducting thorough inspections and tests to verify the integrity and functionality of the system.

What Industries Benefit from Custom Containment Solutions?

Various industries benefit from custom containment solutions, including:
  • Waste Management: For secure storage and disposal of waste materials.
  • Mining: To contain tailings and prevent environmental contamination.
  • Agriculture: For managing manure, fertilizers, and pesticides.
  • Construction: To control erosion and manage hazardous materials.
  • Industrial: For the safe handling and storage of chemicals and other hazardous substances.

How Does Custom Containment Enhance Environmental Protection?

Custom containment systems are designed to prevent the migration of hazardous substances into the environment. These systems protect soil and water resources from contamination by creating impermeable barriers. Additionally, they help manage stormwater, control erosion, and reduce the risk of spills and leaks, contributing to overall environmental sustainability.

How Long Do Custom Containment Systems Last?

The lifespan of a custom containment system depends on the materials used and the environmental conditions. High-quality containment systems can typically last 20 to 50 years or more with proper maintenance. Regular inspections and repairs can extend the system’s life, ensuring long-term protection and performance.

Why Choose Plastic Fusion for Custom Containment Solutions?

Plastic Fusion is a leading installer of custom containment solutions due to its:
  • Expertise: Extensive experience in designing and installing containment systems.
  • Quality Materials: Use of top-quality materials that ensure durability and effectiveness.
  • Customized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet the specific needs of each client.
  • Commitment to Excellence: Adherence to strict quality control standards and industry best practices.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Focus on creating solutions that protect the environment and comply with regulations.

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