
Protecting the health and safety of our employees is always top of mind and we promote a culture of safety and leadership at our state-of-the-art production facility and on job sites. Each employee is responsible for adhering to industry best practices for working safely and each employee is a leader. This produces greater accountability and better performance as we adhere to guidelines that ensure our work is done in a safe environment and is carefully performed.

Plastic Fusion is committed to providing a productive, safe, and healthy work environment for our employees, contractors, clients, customers, and visitors. Our focus on creating an incident-free culture helps us build trustworthy relationships with our customers.

Containment Repair

The Plastic Fusion Safety & Health Management System provides a framework for our incident-free culture and applies to all operations we conduct:

  • Scope and Boundary

  • Policy Procedure | Risk Management
  • Hazard Identification | Risk Control | Objectives

  • Legal Requirements | Safety & Health Programs
  • Structure | Training | Communications

  • Document & Operations Control | Emergencies
  • Performance Measuring & Monitoring

  • Non-comformances | Records | Inspections
  • Safety Management System Review

  • Reviewing Effectiveness

PFF uses integrated solutions to manage safety training and compliance to give our customers complete confidence in our qualifications and adherence to industry guidelines.

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